Monday, November 22, 2010

DAY 3: Angeles (Angie) Griffith

Today I went to Picasso's, a local coffee shop, to begin writing a paper and preparing for a presentation I am giving on artist, Barry McGee. A lot of his work was centered around urban life, taking on a pessimistic perspective, looking at the lives of the people who call the street their home, the negativity of mainstream as a whole, including our society being bombarded by advertising. The only way to get away from this bombardment is to lock yourself in a dark room and on top of this, we are pressured to keep up with the latest trends and gadgets, technology and even our use of time, over working ourselves.

Breaking it down a bit:
Phrases throughout this piece -
subliminal hypnosis
mass(ive) situation
cultural rape
economical disaster


to do lists:
close up 1

I am not sure if this is complete yet.
I might do some more layering and
covering up. If I make any changes by the
end of the week, I will post new pictures.

close up 2

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